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Our broad, enriching and inclusive curriculum encourages our pupils to develop the skills, character and knowledge necessary for an ambitious, virtuous, and purposeful future.

Curriculum for Years 7, 8, & 9

In Years 7, 8 & 9 the Ryde Global programme ensures our pupils are well equipped to enjoy making subject choices in Year 9 to specialise in at GCSE.

At all stages along this pathway we follow the Ryde School Learner Profile to stretch pupils academically whilst offering a strong level of individual support through our tutorial and academic structures.

Curriculum for Years 10 & 11

GCSE and IGCSE courses start at the beginning of Year 10, and pupils have an element of choice in terms of the subjects they study. 

The courses offered at Ryde are a mixture of International GCSEs (IGCSEs) and GCSEs. These equivalent qualifications provide interest and challenge and are an excellent preparation for post-16 studies.

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Nearly all GCSE and IGCSE subjects are graded using the numerical 9-1 system with a Grade 4 or above considered a ‘good pass’.

Ryde offers pupils a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures they are well prepared for their future, whatever path they choose.

As well as studying English Language and English Literature, Mathematics, Science, and a language, pupils can personalise their curriculum by choosing subjects that allow them to pursue their interests and strengths.

The School’s aim is to interest and challenge all pupils, provide some differentiation, enrichment and specialisation according to the individual student’s interests and ambitions.

Ryde School Senior pupils working with Lego in a science lesson

"I am consistently impressed by how well our teachers know their pupils - this ensures all children have an enriching educational experience bespoke to their needs and ambitions.

Our traditional but progressive curriculum seeks to empower all children across the school to develop a deep love of learning.

We celebrate all academic achievement from spelling tests to accepting a place at Cambridge."

- gEORGE sPELLER, Deputy Head - Academic

Learning Support

Whilst we expect all our pupils to follow a core curriculum that leads to the 'Ryde School Bacc' at 16, we recognise that some students might require bespoke programmes based on individual requirements, either because of learning needs or extra-curricular commitments, which will be agreed with the Headmaster.


Our careers programme helps pupils make informed decisions about their future. In our changing global economy, it is essential to have the character and skills, alongside a good academic education, to be competitive as applicants and to progress positively on their chosen life path. We aim to equip pupils with those skills.

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In Year 9 we are looking ahead with pupils, via PD  lessons, to their GCSE courses. Termly careers events are held to introduce pupils to a variety of industries and opportunities with external speakers and advisory agencies are invited into school.

By Year 10 & 11  there is a focus on careers through the Personal Development programme in Year 10 and individual meetings in the Autumn term of Year 11. Careers advice in year 11 is delivered through the whole group, tutor group and individual meetings.

Download the GCSE Booklet 2025 / 2027

Ryde School Learner Profile

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