Pastoral Care | Pastoral | Wellbeing |Pre-Prep | Ryde School | Isle of Wight


We live within our set of Golden Rules and our school values learning the joy of success that comes from hard work and positive relationships. Regular assemblies with interesting visitors and our engaging curriculum support the children’s understanding of the outside world, fostering team-work in a friendly and happy environment.

Our six Golden Rules:

  • Do listen to people
  • Do be kind and helpful
  • Do be gentle
  • Do be honest
  • Do look after property
  • Do work hard

Through weekly Circle Times and assemblies, our children learn how to be good citizens, learning to work together and make good choices, gaining an understanding of basic human needs and beginning to realise that animals have similar needs too.

Through these sessions we explore our diverse world and watching visitors and people who help us enables our children to understand their own identity.

Ryde School Pre-Prep pupils playing with a space hopper

We build self-confidence as life skills are explored, practised and secured and a good foundation is laid on which to build future learning.

Pastoral Care

We believe that if children are happy, they will gain in confidence and succeed socially, academically and in the breadth of other activities on offer in the School. We stress great importance on knowing, understanding and encouraging each individual child and view our school very much as a large family.

In Reception the reception teacher, with the support of teaching assistants is the first port of call for all parents. Moving into Years 1 and 2 the class teacher is responsible for their overall welfare.

Any queries or problems concerning your child should be addressed to the class or reception teacher in the first instance.

School Houses

In Pre-Prep we also join one of the four School Houses of which our children will remain members for the rest of their time at Ryde, right through to the Sixth Form.

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Trinity, Seaford, Chine, and Hanover Houses all have their own distinct House calls and traditions and provide our children with a strong sense of belonging.

Each Head of House has overall responsibility for the children in their House and works closely with tutors, parents and children to provide a continuity of pastoral care and support.

Health & Well-being

The School Matron provides a medical service for pupils in the new Health & Well-being Centre in the School grounds.

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Pupils can also turn to the Chaplaincy and our Independent Listeners for support. We are a nationally recognised coaching school with many staff members trained as coaches.

Parents are very welcome to talk to any member of staff at the beginning and end of school should you wish to discuss any matters concerning your child.